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Course Catalog
AI and Data Science Track
Data Analytics / Data Science
Data Analytics With R / Data Science With R
Data Analytics With Python / Data Science With Python
Introduction to Julia Programming
Machine Learning
Machine Learning with Sagemaker
Deep Learning
Deep Learning with Tensorflow2 (TF2) and Keras
AI for Text images and Forecasting
Deep Learning & Advanced Applications – Hugging Face
Generative AI with RAG and VectorDB
LLM use: Application and Proprietary Data
Text Generation Gen AI with Vertex
AI for Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Introduction
AI for Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Advanced
AI for Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT, And Generative LLM
Building AI Applications for Agencies
Big Data Track
Big Data
Big Data Analytics With Hadoop & Hive
Introduction to Hadoop and Spark
Advanced Hadoop for Developers
Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark 3
Streaming Systems with Kafka + Spark + Cassandra
Distributed Systems
Cloud Track
Machine Learning with Amazon Sagemaker
Google Cloud
Google Cloud for Data Scientists
Google Cloud for App Developers