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How We Scaled a VB6 App into the Cloud and Added AI

You do not need to throw your AI certificates and diplomas out of the window. You just need

How to train a Robot – AI for Kids

An Explainer video by the kids on "How to train robots" :)

The Three Pillars of Success for Your AI Projects

You do not need to throw your AI certificates and diplomas out of the window. You just need

AI is Dead — Long Live AI!

To summarize, many people learn AI today. In fact, too many. And when the crowd does something, they

The Future of AI (and what you can do about it)

AI is the new electricity, says Andrew Ng. He continues to say that the only competitive advantage of

BigDL Intro 4 Docker Sandbox

A video tutorial on Large scale Deep Learning with BigDL

BigDL Intro Docker Sandbox

In this video, we discuss large scale Deep Learning with BigDL

Analytics Zoo Spark Pipeline

This video explains how to integrate Analytics Zoo with Apache Spark Machine Learning lib and its data frames

Example Python Data Science Screencast

This screencast discusses Scalability and PySpark in Data science. It explains how to use the Spark framework together

Sandbox Running Cassandra

A quick tutorial on how to run Cassandra using our Sandbox