Running a full kafka stack using Docker
We all remember, having to spend hours ‘setting up the dev machine’ – installing just the correct version of language SDKs, libraries, and databases.
Well, docker has changed all that. Now we can develop complex application stacks with just the docker stack.
In this webinar, we will show how to run a Kafka stack using docker. We will feature a complete Kafka stack including zookeeper and multiple Kafka brokers with monitoring UIs. The code will be open source for all to try.
17 December, Friday 2021 10 AM PST / 12 PM CST / 1 PM EST

Sujee Maniyam has been developing software for 15 years. In the last few years, he has been consulting and teaching Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud technologies. Sujee stays active in the Hadoop / Open Source community. He runs a developer-focused meetup and Hadoop hackathons called ‘Big Data Gurus’. He has presented a variety of meetups. Sujee contributes to the Hadoop project and other open-source projects. He writes about Hadoop and other technologies on his website.00
Webinar Recording / Slide deck / Followup
Webinar recording