© Elephant Scale 10/02/2022
About the Course
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. The designers of Laravel have already laid the foundation — freeing developers to create without sweating the small things.
Course Information
Duration: 4-5 days
Architects, Developers, Administrators
Course Prerequisites
- Be able to navigate Linux command line
- Basic knowledge of command line Linux editors (vi or nano)
Lab Environment:
- The working environment will be provided for students. Students would only need an SSH client and a browser.
- Zero Install: There is no need to install software on students’ machines.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Laravel
- Installation
- Meet Laravel
- Why Laravel?
- Your First Laravel Project
- Laravel & Docker
- Getting Started On Linux
- Choosing Your Sail Services
- Initial Configuration
- Environment Based Configuration
- Databases & Migrations
- Next Steps
- Laravel The Full Stack Framework
- Laravel The API Backend
- The Basics
- Routing
- Middleware
- CSRF Protection
- Controllers
- Requests
- Responses
- Views
- Blade Templates
- Asset Bundling
- URL Generation
- Session
- Validation
- Error Handling
- Logging
Digging deeper
- Digging Deeper
- Artisan Console
- Broadcasting (optional)
- Cache (optional)
- Collections
- Contracts (optional)
- Events
- File Storage
- Helpers (optional)
- HTTP Client
- Localization
- Notifications (optional)
- Package Development
- Queues
- Rate Limiting
- Task Scheduling
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Email Verification
- Encryption
- Hashing
- Password Reset
- Getting Started
- Query Builder
- Pagination
- Migrations
- Seeding
- Redis (optional)
Eloquent ORM
- Getting Started
- Relationships
- Collections
- Mutators / Casts
- API Resources
- Serialization
- Factories
Testing (optional)
- Getting Started
- HTTP Tests
- Console Tests
- Browser Tests
- Database
- Mocking
Packages (Overview)
- Breeze
- Cashier (Stripe)
- Cashier (Paddle)
- Dusk
- Envoy
- Etc.