Building Streaming Systems With Kafka + Spark + Cassandra
This course will teach students how to build streaming systems using the popular fast data stack: Apache Kafka + Apache Spark + Apache Cassandra.
No previous knowledge of Kafka / Spark / Casandra is assumed. The course will cover all the technologies and teach them how to integrate them.
What You Will Learn
- Kafka (1 day)
- Cassandra (1.5 days)
- Spark (1.5 days)
- Putting it all together (1 day)
- End to End System
- Lambda Architecture
Developers / Architects
5 days
- Familiarity with either Java / Scala language (our labs in Scala and Java – we provide a quick Scala introduction)
- Basic understanding of Linux development environment (command line navigation/running commands)
Lab Environment
We provide a complete lab environment in the cloud. No need to install any software on your laptop.
See below for what to bring.
What to Bring
- A reasonably modern laptop. Need to be able to connect to cloud services. Laptops with overly restrictive firewalls are not recommended)
Detailed Outline
Kafka (1 day)
- Kafka design & architecture
- Getting Kafka up and running
- Using Kafka utilities
- Reading & Writing to Kafka using Java API
- Labs: all of the above sections
Cassandra (1.5 days)
- Cassandra design & architecture
- Read / Write path in Cassandra
- C* eventual consistency
- Time series data
- Data modeling on C*
- Using C* Java API
- Labs : all of the above sections
Spark (1.5 days)
- Scala primer (if required)
- Spark design and architecture
- Spark Shell
- Spark Data structures : RDDs, Dataframes, Datasets
- Batch analytics with Spark
- Writing Spark applications using Spark APIs
- Spark streaming
- Structured streaming
- Labs : all of the above sections
Putting it all together (1 day)
- Reading Kafka streams from Spark
- Saving streaming data from Spark into Cassandra
- Full end to end application
- Benchmarking
- Monitoring
- Tuning and Optimizing the system
Labs: all of the above sections
Bring Your Own Use Case – Group Study (time permitting)
- We encourage students to bring a use case they are working on at their company for discussion with the class
- We will discuss the use case in the class
- Discuss design choices, sketch out a few designs, debate pros/cons of each design
- Discuss best practices
- This will be a group activity, and will be a lots of fun !