ML with Spark

October 14, 2016
Start Time
End Time

Come and learn how Machine Learning with Spark is reducing costs and improving performance in the enterprise.

This webinar is done… You can listen to the recording

Oct 14 , 2016   –  10am PT / 12 noon CT /   1pm ET

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Join our lead Data Scientist Mark Kerzner to explore why the time of Machine Learning has come, what value it brings to the enterprise, and how to make it work for yourself. We will also learn what to expect and what to refrain from expecting.

During this webinar, you will learn what is Machine Learning and how it can

  • find the best and the worst customers
  • detect performance anomalies that require attention
  • allocate funds in optimal ways
  • more.

Mark will discuss these common use cases:

  • Detecting the low hanging fruit for machine learning
  • Balancing business and science on your team
  • Choosing the best Machine Learning tools, be it small or Big Data, R, Python or Spark. (And these are not mutually exclusive).

Bonuses and Benefits of attending this webinar.

Machine Learning is making headlines, but it is a complicated area that not everyone understands. Current publications may leave you in a more confused state, instead of clarifying things for you. At this seminar, we will explain machine learning clearly and with examples and allow you to ask questions that will help you understand it deeper.